Innovation and Knowledge Management

Grazia Santangelo

Grazia Santangelo
Copenhaguen Business School, Denmark

Marcelo Cano-Kollmann

Marcelo Cano-Kollmann
Ohio University, USA

Knowledge and innovation are central to international business theories. As value creation is increasingly the function of intangible resources, MNEs are in a privileged position. They can leverage its embeddedness in multiple locations to tap into local pools of knowledge and operate as platforms through which ideas and information circulate. The ability of modern MNEs to create, borrow, buy and orchestrate knowledge is unparalleled. This track deals with knowledge management and innovation within and across the borders of the multinational enterprise (MNE) network. It examines the creation and transfer of knowledge, and the management of innovation activities within the MNE network. It also focuses on international knowledge sourcing, and the external relations the MNE and its units engage with external partners by means of, among others, contractual and equity-based collaborations aiming at new knowledge creation. Furthermore, the track deals with the effects of internal and external knowledge management and innovation-related activities on MNE’s competitiveness and performance as well as with the impact of adoption of digital technologies on firm performance, and the implications of digitalization for knowledge transfer within the MNE and in an open innovation context. Papers that highlight
knowledge governance mechanisms, international knowledge sourcing, strategic technological partnerships and digital technologies are welcome.

technology management; intra-MNE knowledge transfer; knowledge creation and diffusion; knowledge sharing; organizational learning; knowledge governance mechanisms; R&D subsidiaries; centers of excellence; international knowledge sourcing; R&D offshoring; strategic technological partnerships; technological licensing; digital technologies.