Business History

Teresa da Silva Lopes

Teresa da Silva Lopes
University of York, UK

Mark Casson

Mark Casson
Reading University, UK

This track aims to discuss research that enables a nuanced understanding of the phenomena of globalisation and de-globalization. It invites approaches from contributors that use history to help move international business research forward, by providing new insights, testing existing theories, and proposing new methodologies to address international business issues. It also invites contributors who apply international business theory to help systematise historical evidence and create generalisations.

Some topics for discussion include the impact of processes of globalization and de-globalization on the boundaries of firms; organizational innovation in periods of globalization and deglobalization; the contribution of firms with multinational activity and entrepreneurs to globalization and de-globalization; the use of historical evidence to assess the long-term impact of multinationals on host countries; the rise of emerging markets and the processes of globalization of firms from those markets; globalization and environmental and social sustainability by multinational enterprises; business, entrepreneurship and gender during waves of globalization and de-globalization; risk management strategies during periods of globalization and de-globalization; the strategic and organizational challenges multinational enterprises face in their internationalization processes; the relationships between multinationals and governments in processes of globalization and de-globalization.